Then God said, "Let there be lights in the sky the lights separate days from night!"
Then God said, "Let there be lights in the sky the lights separate days from night!"
One day as Becki was supposed to have a meeting for this one night, she did not get any R.S.V.P.'S, this was the first. It actually was a "time out" from God to get her attention and that He did! She said to the Lord, I am not going to my meeting since nobody responded. The next thing that happened
"God spoke out of her mouth "When I want those to call you to further this Ministry, they will call and you will be encouraged tonight!
Now, this is not the first time that God spoke out of her own mouth, it has happened many times with His confirmation. God even spoke out of a donkey's mouth to bring correction to His prophet, you can read about in Numbers 22:28. Believe it or not, He will use anything to get our attention and this night He certainly got Becki's.
Right after God spoke out of Becki's mouth, obviously, Becki had to ponder what came out of her mouth since she did not speak it out, it was God. So, believe what you want to believe, but after you hear the rest of this story.
Becki then turned on the television and she said, "Whatever", suddenly her phone range and it was a Professor from Ohio and he said, "is this
Becki Java?" Becki said "Yes it is", he began to say my name is Joseph, I am a Christian Professor in Ohio University, and I have been fasting 11 days now. My teeth are all loose and I have migraines and I can’t sleep at night. I was praying to God and He led me right to your website. You need to pray for me Becki Java.
Becki said, "ok", then Becki began to pray, "Dear Heavenly Father", I pray you would take Joseph to the right Dentist, immediately, Joseph said “No” you take me to Jesus”, Becki’s eyes got big and she said, “Ok”, "Dear Jesus", please strengthen all Joseph’s teeth, take away the migraines and give him good nights sleep. In Jesus Name!
Then Joseph asked Becki could he pray for her, she thought, He’s been fasting 11 day’s, yes! He began to pray "God take care of Becki's car". Again he said it. At that moment Becki knew that God was getting her attention again, she had been having some noise in her car that was disturbing her. She even took it to the mechanic and he said “Your car is just getting old”. God had another thing to show her. She thanked Joseph for praying for her and they hung up.
The next day Becki went to go to a store and on they way up a hill she had a revelation that her car was not going into 3rd gear and she needed a new transmission! This was astounding to her, she immediately went to the mechanic, who by the way would watch her “Prayer Changes Things” television program, as she told him what had happened the night before, and then the revelation God had given to her, the mechanic got in the car and then said, “that’s the truth”, you do need a new transmission.
Becki went to a transmission mechanic and she told him nothing but the car was making noise. The mechanic said “She needed a new transmission, her car was not going in 3rd gear!”
That night Bob her husband came home from work and Becki told him about needing a new transmission, and it did not disturb Bob at all, that was a miracle in itself! Becki was not working at that time and Bob simply went to ate dinner and then went to bed. Then the phone rang and again, Joseph from Ohio was on the phone, yelling, "You prayed for me and I woke up and all my teeth are strengthen in my mouth, my migraines are gone, and I got the best sleep ever!", Becki was astonished, then thought yea right, then God brought to her mind the vision and the how he gave her the revelation after Joseph's prayer. Then she knew it was true! He was excited Becki was excited and then Becki told Joesph about the revelation God had given her about her needing a new transmission. Then she thanked Joseph for praying for her. He then said, I know about transmission problems and I am going to give you a gift for your own personal use of $500.00 to help you take care of it. Another miracle! Provision from God! The day Becki got the new transmission, she went to her Post Office Box and the check was in it, just like that! Praise the Lord!
Becki receive that encouragement that night and the very next day! Glory be to God Most High. In Jesus Name!
13 If we are faithless, he remains faithful; for he can’t deny himself.”
2 Timmothy 2:13
23 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23
6 Without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to him, for he who comes to God must believe that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him. Hebrew 11:6
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