Then God said, "Let there be lights in the sky the lights separate days from night!"
Then God said, "Let there be lights in the sky the lights separate days from night!"
In addition to the incredible things the Lord was doing to get my ministry
established, He continued to show me other wonders. One day I was running an errand for my dad to the bank. As I was driving into the parking lot I began to pray, “Lord, open a door for me to minister to someone today. Use me.” Interestingly, at that very moment I noticed a gate off to the side of the lot swing open. I then heard, “The man in the car next to you is sick.” I got out of my car and went over and knocked on his window asking, “Are you alright?” He said, “No, my head is killing me.” I told him I would pray for him. He said thank you and remained there resting, with his head lowered.
I walked toward the bank, which was not yet open, and as I waited at the door, I had the realization that God had just spoken to me—it was He who told me the man was sick. I spontaneously burst into a glorious “Good morning!” to the ten or so people who were waiting with me for the bank to open. I then said, “God bless you all!” Then the doors opened.
When I was done with my banking and had turned around to leave, the man from the car walked in. I went up to him to ask how he was doing when suddenly he collapsed and I caught him in mid-air. I started to scream quite loudly, “Do you have Jesus? Do you have Jesus?” I thought for sure he was going to die right on the spot but he opened his eyes and said “Yes.” I praised God and then looked up to see that every eye in the place was on us; everyone was watching as if this was a skit. In reality, it was a living parable played out for all of them by the great Master of Creation. They could not help but have it impressed upon their hearts that before they leave this world, they had better receive Jesus as their Lord and Christ.
The next thing I heard from the Lord was, “Ask if anyone has a cell phone.” When I did so, a woman stepped forth to help. The man, who was smaller than I and about eighty years old, gave her his family’s phone number. She dialed it for him and then gave him the phone so that he could speak, and I continued to hold him the whole time. He spoke to his family in Vietnamese and told them where he was and what had happened. This was God’s provision, for by the time the paramedics arrived to help him, his family was already there and at his side.
The day after the service I felt like going out for a walk so I grabbed my friend Ricky and out we went. At the end of her block there was a two-lane highway and across it we could see fields of corn that seemed to go on forever. Not too far away was a farmhouse with other small buildings visible behind it. I knew with all my heart that I needed to get to that farmhouse; in fact, I knew that I would be meeting the people who lived there. I said to Ricky, “Let’s cross the highway and go down towards that home. She said she wasn’t sure she wanted to but I said, “Yes, we have to.” She said, “Okay, then.”
We crossed the road and were walking down towards the house when a woman came out of the door and turned around and looked at us, as we were about a hundred yards away. I waved to her. She waved back and then went back inside her home. As we continued on I said to Ricky, “I am going to meet her.” Ricky replied, “You have more courage than I.” But it wasn’t a matter of courage at all. I just knew I needed to talk with her.
As we got closer to her house she came back outside. We were now walking up her very long driveway so she decided to come meet us. I said to her, “Look at this beautiful place! It looks like you get to have your cake and eat it, too!” She said thank you and then asked, “Do I know you?” I said, “No, you don’t. But this gal here is your neighbor across the highway. We decided to take a walk and when I saw your house I just knew I was supposed to come here.” I then continued on to tell her that I was from California and was here visiting my friend, and that I was holding healing services at the Assemblies of God Church in town. I also shared with her about some of the miracles I had seen.
She replied, “That’s funny. You know, seven years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I prayed very, very hard for a miracle and I got one!” But just recently she had been to the doctor’s and he had found something suspicious and ran some tests. That very morning he had called with the news that she had a mass of some kind on her lung and that she had to get back in to see him soon. She was very upset.
I said to her, “Well, imagine that! Just this morning, huh?” I told her that I was a minister and that it was by no mistake that I decided to get up and take a walk by her house today. Especially after having just had a healing service the night before. She looked at me and said, “I guess so.” I then told her how the Lord always had me in the right place at the right time and that this was one of those times. I asked her for some oil so that I could anoint her. We went into the house and I anointed and prayed for her in front of her husband and daughter.
Updated report: After returning home I called Ricky and told her to go to the ladies house and see how she was doing. Ricky went and called me and said the lady said the next visit to the doctors she said they checked after the miracoulous happenstance and the Doctor said the mass was gone! In Jesus Name.
I was at home reading my Bible one day and kept getting a recurring nudge to go over to one of the hospitals I frequently ministered at. I didn’t respond to it and just kept on about my business, but the next day the same thing happened again. I was at a regular prayer meeting later on and shared about this with the leaders. We prayed about it and then they told me that the next time that feeling came over me, I should get up and go
to the hospital.
Two days later I got the same feeling, again while I was reading the Word of God. I put down my Bible, got into my car, and drove over to the hospital. When I walked into the lobby, my gaze was distinctly drawn in the direction of the elevator and I felt compelled to get on it. The next thing I remember is that I was looking down at my own feet, watching
them walk into a room as if I were observing but not participating in the action. I then heard a voice in my head say, “Pray!” and I looked up to see a man lying on a bed.
He was flat on his back and out cold and he had no perception whatsoever that I was even there in the room with him. I didn’t know him, however, I was being obedient to what I was being led to do, and I bowed my head to pray for him. I said barely in a whisper, “Dear Lord, I pray for this man’s salvation, and I pray you lift him out of this sick bed.” I raised my eyes and what I saw next just about drove me to run straight out of the room. For in a single motion, and without using his arms as any means of support, the man suddenly sat up bolt upright. His eyes remained closed and he spoke these words: “I AM.” This exact phrase was the one God used to identify Himself to Moses at the scene of the burning bush. In Revelations the Lord is called the Great I AM, and to see this man sitting up and to hear him utter these words even in an unconscious state, was like seeing a dead man rise.
I caught my breath and stammered, “Oh, my God!” With eyes open wide with shock, I turned to make a run for the door when I clearly heard the man say, “Piece of cake!” I looked back at him in disbelief and then continued my exit from the room as quickly as I could. A nurse came in just as I flew out and after seeing the frightened look on my face, I can only imagine what she thought I must have been up to. All I knew was that I wanted out.
I was so overwhelmed by this event that I went directly to my pastors to seek their counsel. They tried to encourage me by telling me that God was with me and that I had been the vehicle of a mighty manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit. Try as I might, I couldn’t quite come to grips with it and I pondered this for a long time. But one thing I know for sure. God used this miracle to indelibly inscribe upon my heart, soul, and mind the truth that where I go, He goes!
Therefore I tell you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received them, and you shall have them. . Mark 11:24
God is a God of Miracles....
"All We Have To Do Is Pray & Believe!"
All these miracles have taken place as Becki prays for God to use her to touch a lost, hurting dying world for Jesus. God does the rest as she is in His word reading the word as Psalm 1 instructs. As Becki goes about her business, God opens doors for her to walk right into a miracle. She likes to call then "A Miracle In Action", being led by the Holy Spirit, anything can happen and it is miraculous!
Surely he has borne our sickness
and carried our suffering;
yet we considered him plagued,
But he was pierced for our transgressions.
He was crushed for our iniquities.
The punishment that brought our peace was on him; and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5