Then God said, "Let there be lights in the sky the lights separate days from night!"
Then God said, "Let there be lights in the sky the lights separate days from night!"
To whom God was pleased to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles,
which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
One Woman’s Story of a Life Totally Given Over to God
Author reveals how God can change your natural into His supernatural
LONGWOOD, FL—Have you ever looked at your Christian life and wondered, “Is this all there is?” Do you ever feel simply “lost in the crowd” at church? According to author and television host Becki Java, you don’t have to feel empty or ineffective. God wants to transform lives with His Word and the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. For years, Java battled alcohol and drug addiction and struggled daily in her marriage relationship. Then she turned to God for help. He delivered her and transformed her life. “I want others to experience the healing of their lives as I did,” says Java, “and the joy that comes from being used for God’s glorious purposes.”
Imagine That! When Your Natural Becomes the Supernatural of God is the amazing story of one woman’s life totally given over to God. Java wants others to learn how God can and will use ordinary people in extraordinary ways. “God’s miraculous workings are all around us, and He will use all who completely give themselves over to Him and surrender their lives into His hands,” says Java. The author recounts God’s work in her own life and the lives of those around her. These events, says Java, are evidence of God’s supernatural activity in the world today and of His desire to tear down denominational barriers and reveal Himself to Christians of every creed.
Becki Java is the founder and president of Mighty God Ministries, she led two weekly services at a large community church in Fullerton which aired on television, as she hosted her television program weekly.
Xulon Press, a part of Salem Communications Corporation, is the world’s largest Christian publisher, with more than 3,200 titles published to date. Retailers may order Imagine That!
Though Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors.
Scripture used from "Public Domain" World English Bible which is not copyrighted.
Scripture Used by permission. All rights reserved. NIV, Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All
rights reserved worldwide.
And If You Are Skeptical Of The Miracles Of God then....
Let Me Help Your Unbelief!
16 Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.
Your walls are continually before me. Isaiah 49:16
Over 24 Years of the Miraculous Hand Of God In Jesus Name!
Over 24 Years Of The Miraculous Hand Of God in Jesus Name!
Bob and Becki were married in 1986 and we were not walking with Jesus at that time in their life. When Becki looks back, she thinks about all the hell that they went though due to their own choices in doing drugs, alcohol and smoking ciggrettes. She can honestly say, we were running with the Devil and life was one big party! In that, came a whole lot of fighting! Until one day Becki had had enough, 11 years later and in our fight, Becki looked at Bob and out of the blue she had an "epiphany moment" and said, “There is hell between us” and then she said, “You need to go to your church and I need to go to mine! He was raised Catholic and Becki was raised Christian. Then Becki looked up to heaven and cried out to God and said, “I will quit everything, if you get me away from Him as she pointed at Bob”, he looking at her with a bit of surprise and dismay. She left him the next day and never did drugs again, then the next week Becki heard Jesus say to her “Let go of Alcohol, just like that she quit, then the next week Becki heard Jesus say “Let go of Cigerettes, she never smoked again, just like that!, Then She was taken up to a Cross on a hill in Corona in California, off the 91 freeway and it was God who possessed her very being, as she was driving up there, she was really struggling with what was happening. She had no clue why she got off the freeway and suddenly she was driving to the top of a hill and when she got to the top, there her hand pointed to a cross to the right of her and she heard God say to her "without Jesus", then her car went forward and ahead was a dead end and her hand pointed at the dead end and then she heard God said “Life is a dead end”. Twice God caused her to get that message, It was a "Holy Spirit In Action", moment! Then she was taken back to the freeway and down to Fullerton, she ended up at Eastside Christian Church in the parking lot and when she got out of her car she fell to the ground and was taken to the hospital by one of the Pastors and there she recovered from being chemically imbalanced, she was released after 3 days and then she ended going home and seeing Bob. She left him again because He was drinking and smoking and she decided then and there she was not going back to that prison she just got out of and she grabbed her keys and ran out of the home and drove off.
It was then when Bob quit everything!
34 Jesus answered them, “Most certainly I tell you, everyone who commits sin is the bondservant of sin. 35 A bondservant doesn’t live in the house forever. A son remains forever. 36 If therefore the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:34-36
Glory Be To God! Jesus Set Us Free indeed!
The whole story is in Becki’s book “Imagine That!, When Your Natural Becomes The Supernatural Of God.
“Advertised on this website and in Becki's "Miracles with Becki Java magazine”.
You may read "Miralces with Becki Java" Magazine further down on this website.